音楽で運動後の心疾患リスクを減らす可能性 ~音楽は運動後の副交感神経活動の低下を和らげる~
著者名:賈 添天1*, 小川佳子1¶, 三浦美佐2, 伊藤 修1, 上月 正博1(* 筆頭著者, ¶ 責任著者)
1) 東北大学大学院医学系研究科機能医科学講座内部障害学分野
2) 筑波技術大学保健科学部保健学科理学療法学専攻)
1) 東北大学大学院医学系研究科機能医科学講座内部障害学分野
2) 筑波技術大学保健科学部保健学科理学療法学専攻)
T Jia, Y Ogawa, M Miura, O Ito, M Kohzuki – PloS one, 2016
Abstract Music and exercise can both affect autonomic nervous system activity. However, the
effects of the combination of music and exercise on autonomic activity are poorly
understood. Additionally, it remains unknown whether music affects post-exercise orthostatic
tolerance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of music on autonomic nervous
system activity in orthostatic tolerance after exercise. Twenty-six healthy graduate students
participated in four sessions in a random order on four separate days: a sedentary session …
effects of the combination of music and exercise on autonomic activity are poorly
understood. Additionally, it remains unknown whether music affects post-exercise orthostatic
tolerance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of music on autonomic nervous
system activity in orthostatic tolerance after exercise. Twenty-six healthy graduate students
participated in four sessions in a random order on four separate days: a sedentary session …