Title | Title(和訳) | 1st Auther | Magazine | # |
A marked decrease in heart rate variability in Marfan syndrome patients with confirmed FBN 1 mutations. | FBN1変異が認められたマルファンシンドローム患者における心拍変動の目立った減少 | Cherkas A | Cardiol J | 2016; 23(1)23-33 |
Effects of doxazosin as the third agent on morning hypertension and position-related blood pressure changes in diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease. | 慢性腎臓疾患の糖尿病患者の早朝高血圧の第三選択としてのドキサドシンと位置関連血圧変化の影響 | Yasuda G | Clin Exp Hypertens. | 2015;37(1):75-81 |
A careful look at ECG sampling frequency and R-peak interpolation on short-term measures of heart rate variability. | 心拍変動の短期測定におけるECGサンプリング周波数とR-ピーク補間の注意深い観察 | Ellis RJ | Physiol Meas. | 2015 Sep;36(9):1827-52 |
Correlation between cardiac autonomic modulation in response to orthostatic stress and indicators of quality of life, physical capacity, and physical activity in healthy individuals. | 健康な人の起立ストレスに反応する心臓自律神経変調と生活の質、身体的能力及び身体活動の指標との相関 | Goncalves TR | J Strength Cond Res. | 2015 May; 29(5):1415-21 |
Short-term heart rate variability — influence of gender and age in healthy subjects. | 短期心拍変動‐健康な被験者における性及び年齢の影響 | Voss A | Plos One. | 2015 Mar 30;10(3):e0118308 |
3D.08: Arterial stiffness and autonomic nervous function on orthostatic blood pressure-elevation in hypertensive patients | 3D.08:高血圧患者における起立血圧上昇での動脈スティフネスと自律神経機能 | Kaneta M | J Hypertens. | 2015 Jun; 33 Suppl 1:e42 |
Good reproducibility of heart rate variability after orthostatic challenge in patients with a history of acute coronary syndrome. | 急性冠不全症候群の既往がある患者の起立動作後の心拍変化の良好な再現性 | Schafer D | J Electrocardiol. | 2015 Jul-Aug; 48(4):696-702 |
Variation in resting heart rate over 4 years and the risks of myocardial infarction and death among older adults. | 4年に及ぶ休息時心拍の変化と高齢者の心筋梗塞と死のリスク | Floyd JS | Heart. | 2015 Jan;101(2):132-8 |
Focusing neurovisceral integration: cognition, heart rate variability, and cerebral blood flow. | 内臓神経の統合に焦点:認知、心拍変動及び脳血流 | Richard Jennings J | Psychophysiology. | 2015 Feb;52(2):214-24 |
The development of small molecule angiotension IV analogs to treat Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. | アルツハイマー及びパーキンソン病を治療するための小微粒子アンジオテンシンIVアナログの開発 | Wright JW | Prog Neurobiol. | 2015 Feb; 125:26-46 |
Relationship between cardiac autonomic function and cognitive function in Alzheimer’s disease. | アルツハイマー病での心臓自律神経機能と認知機能間の関係 | Nonogaki Z | Geriatr Gerontol Int. | 2015 Dec 8 |
Ultra-Short-Term Heart Rate Variability is Sensitive to Training Effects in Team Sports Players. | 超短期心拍変動はチームスポーツの選手ではトレーニングに影響を受けやすい | Nakamura FY | J Sports Sci Med. | 2015 Aug 11;14(3):602-5 |
Short-term heart rate variability in older patients with newly diagnosed depression. | 新たに鬱と診断された年を取った患者における短期心拍変化 | Ha JH | Psychiatry Res. | 2015 Apr 30; 226(2-3):484-8 |
Autonomic dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease: tools for assessment and review of the literature. | アルツハイマー病での自律神経機能障害:文献評価及びレビューのツール | Femminella GD | J Alzheimers Dis. | 2014;42(2):369-77 |
Orthostatic dysregulation during postural change on the dental chair and intraoperative monitoring by heart rate variability analysis. | 歯科チェアでの姿勢変化中の起立性調節障害と心拍変動分析による治療中の監視+D19 | Momota Y | Case Rep Dent. | 2014; 2014:656045 |
A healthy heart is not a metronome: an integrative review of the heart’s anatomy and heart rate variability. | 健康な心臓はメトロノームではない:心臓の生体構造と心拍変動の集約的なレビュー | Shaffer F | Front Psychol. | 2014 Sep 30;5:1040 |
Nocturnal antihypertensive treatment in patients with type 1 diabetes with autonomic neuropathy and non-dipping of blood pressure during night time: protocol for a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, two-way crossover study. | 1型糖尿病で自律性ニューロパシーさらに夜間血圧が下がる患者の夜間降圧剤治療:ランダム、プラシーボ管理、二重盲検、二方向クロスオーバー研究プロトコル | Hjortkær H | BMJ Open. | 2014 Oct 7;4(10):e006142 |
Adverse effects of cigarette and noncigarette smoke exposure on the autonomic nervous system: mechanisms and implications for cardiovascular risk. | 自律神経システムにおける煙草と被煙露出の有害事象:心血管リスクのメカニズムと推測結果 | Middlekauff HR | J Am Coll Cardiol. | 2014 Oct 21;64(16):1740-50 |
Measurement-to-measurement blood pressure variability is related to cognitive performance: the Maine Syracuse study. | 測定から測定への血圧変化は認知能力に関連している:Maine Syracuse study. | Crichton GE | Hypertension. | 2014 Nov;64(5):1094-101 |
Age-related normative changes in phasic orthostatic blood pressure in a large population study: findings from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA). | 大きな母体研究における位相性起立性血圧の年齢関連標準的変化:年齢に関するIrish Longitudinal Studyから分かったこと(TILDA) | Finucane C | Circulation. | 2014 Nov 11;130(20):1780-9 |
The evidence for treating hypertension in older people with dementia: a systematic review. | 認知症老人の高血圧治療のための証拠:組織的なレビュー | Beishon LC | J Hum Hypertens. | 2014 May;28(5):283-7 |
Orthostatic hypotension and mortality risk: a meta-analysis of cohort studies. | 起立性低血圧と死亡リスク:コホート研究のメタ分析 | Xin W | Heart. | 2014 Mar;100(5):406-13 |
Orthostatic hypotension and cognitive impairment: a dangerous association? | 起立性低血圧と認知機能障害:危ない関係? | Sambati L | Neurol Sci. | 2014 Jun;35(6):951-7 |
Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy is associated with macrovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetes: new technology used for routine large-scale screening adds new insight. | 心血管自律性ニューロパシーは2型糖尿病の大血管リスクファクターに関連している:ルーチンのラージスケールスクリーニングに使用される新しい技術が新しい実態を見抜く | Fleischer J | J Diabetes Sci Technol. | 2014 Jul;8(4):874-80 |
Sleep disturbances and autonomic dysfunction in patients with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. | 体位起立性頻脈症候群の患者における睡眠障害と自律神経機能障害 | Mallien J | Front Neurol | 2014 Jul 7; 5: 118 |
Reduced heart rate variability is associated with worse cognitive performance in elderly Mexican Americans. | 心拍変動の低下は高齢のメキシコ系アメリカ人では最も悪い認知能力に関連している | Zeki Al Hazzouri A | Hypertension. | 2014 Jan;63(1):181- |
Systolic and diastolic component of orthostatic hypotension and cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients: the Captopril Prevention Project. | 起立性低血圧の収縮期及び拡張器成分と高血圧患者の心血管事象:Captopril Prevention Project | Fedorowski A | J Hypertens. | 2014 Jan;32(1):75-81 |
Resting heart rate in first year survivors of myocardial infarction and long-term mortality: a community study. | 心筋梗塞の初年度生存者における休息時心拍と長期死亡率:コミュニティ研究 | Jabre P | Mayo Clin Proc. | 2014 Dec;89(12):1655-63 |
Wave reflections, arterial stiffness, heart rate variability and orthostatic hypotension. | 波反射、動脈スティフネス、心拍変動及び起立性低血圧 | Lu DY | Hypertens Res. | 2014 Dec; 37(12):1056-61 |
Clinical and autonomic profile of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and mixed dementia patients. | アルツハイマー病の患者及び混合型認知症患者の臨床及び自律神経プロフィール | Dias FL | Rev Assoc Med Bras. | 2013 Sep-Oct; 59(5):435-41 |
Noninvasive assessment of autonomic cardiovascular activity in patients with inappropriate sinus tachycardia. | 不適切洞頻脈患者の自立神経心血管活動の非観血的評価 | Ptaszynski P | Am J Cardiol. | 2013 Sep 15; 112(6):811-5 |
Heart rate variability indices for very short-term (30 beat) analysis. Part 2: validation | 超短期(30拍)分析の心拍変動指標 第2部:有効性 | Smith AL | J Clin Monit Comput. | 2013 Oct; 27(5):577-85 |
Heart rate variability indices for very short-term (30 beat) analysis. Part 1: survey and toolbox. | 超短期(30拍)分析の心拍変動指標 第1部:調査とツールボックス | Smith AL | J Clin Monit Comput. | 2013 Oct; 27(5):565-76 |
Cholinesterase inhibitors modulate autonomic function in patients with Alzheimer’s desease and mixed dementia. | アルツハイマー病及び混合型認知症の患者におけるコリンエストラーゼ阻害薬調整自律神経機能 | da Costa Dias FL | Curr Alzheimer Res. | 2013 Jun; 10(5):476-81 |
Orthostatic hypertension-a new haemodynamic cardiovascular risk factor. | 起立性高血圧‐新しい血行動態心血管リスクファクター | Kario K | Nat Rev Nephrol. | 2013 Dec;9(12):726-38 |
Bioharness multivariable monitoring device: Part.II: Reliability. | バイオハーネス多変数監視装置:第2部:信頼性 | Johnstone JA | J Sports Sci Med. | 2012 Sep 1; 11(3):409-17 |
Multiscale time irreversibility of heart rate and blood pressure variability during orthostasis. | 起立中の心拍と血圧変化の多重スケール時間の不可逆性 | Chaladekova L | Physiol Meas. | 2012 Oct; 33(10):1747-56 |
Heart rate variability in complex regional pain syndrome during rest and mental orthostatic stress. | 休息時及び心的な起立性ストレス中の複合性局所疼痛症候群における心拍変動 | Terkelsen AJ | Anesthesiology. | 2012 Jan; 116(1):133-46 |
A meta-analysis of heart rate variability and neuroimaging studies: implications for heart rate variability as a marker of stress and health. | 心拍変化と神経画像研究のメタ分析:ストレスと健康の指標としての心拍変動の意味合い | Thayer JF | Neurosci Biobehav Rev. | 2012 Feb;36(2):747-56 |
The incidence of stress symptoms and heart rate variability during sleep and orthostatic test. | 睡眠及び起立検査中のストレス症状と心拍変動の発生 | Hynynen E | Eur J Appl Physiol. | 2011 May; 111(5):733-41 |
A study of orthostatic hypotension, heart rate variability and baroreflex sensitivity in late-life depression. | 晩年の鬱での起立性低血圧、心拍変動及び圧反射感受性の研究 | Vasudev A | J Affect Disord. | 2011 Jun; 131(1-3):374-8 |
Cardiovascular dysautonomia in de novo Parkinson’s disease without orthostatic hypotension. | 起立性低血圧のないデノボパーキンソン患者における心血管自律神経障害 | Oka H | Eur J Neurol. | 2011 Feb;18(2):286-92 |
Consequences of orthostatic blood pressure variability in middle-aged men(The Malmo Preventive Project). | 中年者における起立性血圧の変動の影響(Malmo Preventive Project) | Fedorowski A | J Hypertens. | 2010 Mar;28(3):55-9 |
Heart rate variability before and after cycle exercise in relation to different body positions. | 異なる体位に関連した自転車こぎ運動の前後での心拍の変化 | Barak OF | J Sports Sci Med. | 2010 Jun 1;9(2):176-82 |
Impact of depression and antidepressant treatment on heart rate variability: a review and meta-analysis. | 心拍変動における鬱と抗鬱治療の影響:レビュー及びメタ分析 | Kemp AH | Biol Psychiatry. | 2010 Jun 1;67(11):1067-74 |
Orthostatic hypotension is a more robust predictor of cardiovascular events than nighttime reverse dipping in elderly. | 起立性低血圧は高齢者において夜間逆転低下よりもより堅固な心血管事象の予測因子になる | Fagard RH | Hypertension. | 2010 Jul;56(1):56-61 |
Modified orthostatic load for spectral analysis of short-term heart rate variability improves the sensitivity of autonomic dysfunction assessment. | 短期心拍変動のスペクトル解析のために修正された起立性負荷が自立神経機能障害評価の感度を改善する | Howorka K | J Diabetes Complications. | 2010 Jan-Feb; 24(1):48-54 |
Vitamin B12-responsive severe leukoencephalopathy and autonomic dysfunction in a patients with “normal” serum B12 levels. | セルムB12値が”正常”な患者におけるビタミンB12‐反応重度白質脳症と自律神経機能障害 | Graber JJ | J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. | 2010 Dec; 81(12):1369-71 |
Orthostatic symptoms predict functional capacity in chronic fatigue syndrome: implications for management. | 起立性兆候は慢性疲労症候群における機能的能力を予測する:管理の意味合い | Costigan A | QJM. | 2010 Aug;103(8):589-95 |
Heart rate variability and depressed mood in physical education students: a longitudinal study. | 体育系学生の心拍変動と鬱気分:縦断的研究 | Pichon A | Auton Neurosci. | 2010 Aug; 156(1-2):117-23 |
Limbic dysregulation is associated with lowered heart rate variability and increased trait anxiety in healthy adults. | 辺縁異常調節は健康な成人において心拍変動の低下と特性不安の増加に関連している | Mujica-Parodi LR | Hum Brain Mapp. | 2009 Jan;30(1):47-58 |
Relationship between exercise capacity and heart rate variability: supine and in response to an orthostatic stressor. | 運動能力と心拍変動の関係:仰向け及び起立性ストレッサーへの反応 | Grant CC | Auton Neurosci. | 2009 Dec 3; 151(2):186-8 |
Psychophysiology of neural, cognitive and affective integration: fMRI and autonomic indicants. | 神経、認知及び感情統合の精神生理学:fMRIと自律神経指示 | Critchley HD | Int J Psychophysiol. | 2009 Aug;73(2):88-94 |
Heart rate variability, prefrontal neural function, and cognitive performance: the neurovisceral integration perspective on self-regulation, adaptation, and health. | 心拍変動、前頭葉神経機能及び認知能力:自主規制、適応及び健康に関する内臓神経統合観点 | Thayer JF | Ann Behav Med. | 2009 Apr;37(2):141-53 |
Sympathovagal effects of spinal anaesthesia with intrathecal or intravenous fentanyl assessed by heart rate variability. | 心拍変動によって評価される鞘内あるいは静脈内ファンタニルと脊髄麻酔のSympathovagalの影響 | Fujiwara Y | Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. | 2009 Apr; 53(4):476-82 |
Increased complexity of short-term heart rate variability in hyperthyroid patients during orthostatic challenge. | 起立性動作中の甲状腺機能亢進症患者における短期心拍変動の複雑性の増加 | Tobaldini E | Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. | 2008; 2008:1988-91 |
Heart rate variability in progressive heart failure model with rapid ventricular pacing. | 急速心室ペーシングを持つ進行性心臓疾患モデルにおける心拍変動 | Ootaki C | Heart Surg Forum. | 2008; 11(5):E295-9 |
Orthostatic hypotension and risk of cardiovascular disease in elderly people: the Rotterdam study. | 高齢者における起立性低血圧と心血管疾患のリスク:Rotterdam study | Verwoert GC | J Am Geriatr Soc. | 2008 Oct;56(10):1816-20 |
Decrease in heart rate variability response to task is related to anxiety and depressiveness in normal subjects. | タスクに対して心拍変動の減少は正常被験者において心配と鬱気分に関連している | Shinba T | Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. | 2008 Oct; 62(5):603-9 |
Temporal asymmetries of short-term heart period variability are linked to autonomic regulation. | 短期の心臓周期の変動の一時的な非対称性は自律神経の規則性に関連する | Porta A | Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. | 2008 Aug; 295(2):R550-7 |
Heart rate variability and heart rate turbulence in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with versus without cardiac autonomic neuropathy. | 心自律神経ニューロパシーのある対ない2型糖尿病患者における心拍変動と心拍乱流 | Balcioglu S | Am J Cardiol. | 2007 Sep 1; 100(5):890-3 |
Blunted heart rate dip during sleep and all-cause mortality. | 睡眠中の心拍低下の鈍化と全原因死亡 | Ben-Dov IZ | Arch Intern Med. | 2007 Oct 22;167(19):2116-21 |
Reduced cardiac 123I-MIBG uptake reflects cardiac sympathetic dysfunction in Lewy body disease. | レビー体疾患における心123I‐MIBG摂取の低下は心交感神経機能障害を反映する | Oka H | Neurology. | 2007 Oct 2; 69(14):1460-5 |
Autonomic nervous nonlinear interactions lead to frequency modulation between low- and high- frequency bands of the heart rate variability spectrum. | 自律神経の非線形的相互作用は心拍変動スペクトラムの低‐及び高‐周波数帯間の周波数調節を導く | Zhong Y | Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. | 2007 Nov; 293(5):R1961-8 |
Sympathetic activity, assessed by power spectral analysis of heart rate variability, in white coat, masked and sustained hypertension versus true normotension. | 心拍変動、白衣性、仮面性及び持続的高血圧対真の正常血圧のパワースペクトラル分析によって評価された交感神経活動 | Fagard RH | J Hypertens. | 2007 Nov; 25(11):2280-5 |
Triaxial accelerometry for assessment of physical activity in young children. | 若年の身体活動の評価のための3軸加速度測定法 | Tanaka C | Obesity (Silver Spring). | 2007 May;15(5):1233-41 |
Effects of new calcium channel blocker, azelnidipine, and amlodipine on baroreflex sensitivity and ambulatory blood pressure. | 新カルシウムチャンネル遮断薬、アズルニジピン、アムロジピンの圧反射感受性と外来血圧への影響 | Eguchi K | J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. | 2007 Jun;49(6):394-400 |
Autonomic function in adolescents with orthostatic dysregulation measured by heart rate variability. | 心拍変動によって測定された起立性異常調節の若者での自律神経機能 | Sato Y | Hypertens Res. | 2007 Jul; 30(7):601-5 |
Correlation between heart rate variability and haemodynamic fluctuation during induction of general anaesthsia: comparison between linear and non-linear analysis. | 一般的な麻酔の導入中の心拍変動と血行動態変動間の相関:線形及び非線形分析間の比較 | Fujiwara Y | Anaesthesia. | 2007 Feb;62(2):117-21 |
Initial orthostatic hypotension: review of a forgotten condition. | 初期の起立性低血圧:忘れてはいけない状態のレビュー | Wieling W | Clin Sci (Lond). | 2007 Feb;112(3):157-65 |
Autonomic alterations in cocaine-exposed neonates following orthostatic stress. | 起立性ストレスによるコカイン曝露新生児の自律神経変化 | John V | Pediatr Res. | 2007 Feb; 61(2)251-6 |
Factors associated with baroreflex sensitivity: association with morning blood pressure. | 圧反射感受性との関連ファクター:早朝血圧との関連 | Eguchi K | Hypertens Res. | 2007 Aug;30(8):723-8 |
Ovariectomy augments hypertension through rho-kinase activation in the brain stem in female spontaneously hypertensive rats. | メスの自発的高血圧ラットの脳ステムにおけるrho‐kinase活動を通した卵巣摘出増加高血圧 | Ito K | Hypertension. | 2006 Oct;48(4):651-7. Epub 2006 Aug 28 |
Effect of dog-walking on autonomic nervous activity in senior citizens. | 高齢者における自律神経活動の犬の散歩の影響 | Motooka M | Med J Aust. | 2006 Jan 16;184(2):60-3 |
Orthostatic hypertension: when pressor reflexes overcompensate. | 起立性高血圧:昇圧薬が過度の保証を反映するとき | Fessel J | Nat Clin Pract Nephrol. | 2006 Aug;2(8):424-31 |
Orthostatic hypotension predicts mortality in middle-aged adults: the Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities (ARIC) Study. | 起立性低血圧は中年成人の死亡率を予測する:Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities(ARIC)Study | Rose KM | Circulation. | 2006 Aug 15;114(7):630-6 |
A marked decrease in heart rate variability associated with junctional rhythm during anesthesia with sevoflurane and fentanyl. | セボフルレン及びファンタネルでの麻酔中の接合部調律に関連した心拍変動の目立った低下 | Fujiwara Y | Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. | 2006 Apr; 50(4):509-11 |
Passive body heating ameliorates sleep disturbances in patients with vascular dementia without circadian phase-shifting. | 24時間周期の位相ずれのない血管性認知症の患者において受動体温熱が睡眠混乱を改善する | Mishima Y | Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. | 2005 May;13(5):369-76 |
Parasympathetic dysfunction in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy assessed by heart rate variability: comparison between short-term and 24-h measurements. | 心拍変動により評価される肥大型心筋症の副交感神経機能不全:短期及び24時間測定間の比較 | Morner S | Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. | 2005 Mar; 25(2):90-9 |
Neurocardiogenic syncope and related disorders of orthostatic intolerance. | 神経心臓性失神と起立不耐症の関連疾患 | Grubb BP | Circulation. | 2005 Jun 7;111(22):2997-3006 |
Relationship between arterial oxygen saturation and heart rate variability at high altitudes. | 高地における動脈酸素飽和度と心拍変動間の間関係 | Saito S | Am J Emerg Med. | 2005 Jan;23(1):8-12 |
Reliability of heart rate variability in healthy older women at rest and during orthostatic testing. | 休息時及び起立検査中の健康な高齢女性における心拍変動の信頼性 | Reland S | Aging Clin Exp Res. | 2005 Aug; 17(4):316-21 |
The association between blood metal concentrations and heart rate variability: a cross-sectional study. | 血液メタル濃縮と心拍変動間の関連性‐クロスセクショナル研究 | Jhun HJ | Int Arch Occup Environ Health. | 2005 Apr; 78(3):243-7 |
Does exposure to an artificial ULF magnetic field affect blood pressure, heart rate variability and mood? | 人工ULF電磁場への曝露は血圧、心拍変動及び気分に影響するか? | Mitsutake G | Biomed Pharmacother. | 2004 Oct;58 Suppl 1:S20-7 |
Autonomic dysfunction in dementia with Lewy bodies. | レビー体認知症の自律神経機能障害 | Thaisetthawatkul P | Neurology. | 2004 May 25; 62(10):1804-9 |
Short-term spectral analysis of heart rate variability during supine-standing-supine test in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. | 発作性心房細動の患者における仰臥‐立位‐仰臥テスト中の心拍変動の短期スペクトラル分析 | Galuszka J | Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. | 2004 Jul; 148(1):63-7 |
Short- and long-term reproducibility of autonomic measures in supine and standing positions. | 仰臥及び立位での自律神経測定の短期及び長期再現性 | Kowalewski MA | Clin Sci(Lond). | 2004 Jan; 106(1):61-6 |
Effects of the lengh and timing of nighttime naps on task performance and physiological function. | 作業成果と生理機能について夜間のうたたねの長さとタイミングの影響 | Takeyama H | Rev Saude Publica. | 2004 Dec;38 Suppl:32-7. Epub 2004 Dec 13 |
Orthostatic hypotension and the risk of myocardial infarction in the home-dwelling elderly. | 自宅生活高齢者における起立性低血圧と心筋梗塞のリスク | Luukinen H | J Intern Med. | 2004 Apr;255(4):486-93. |
A new parameter for assessing postoperative recovery of physical activity using an accelerometer. | 加速度測定計を用いた身体活動の手術後の回復を評価するための新しいパラメータ | Inoue Y | Surg Today. | 2003;33(9):645-50 |
Triaxial accelerometry to evaluate walking efficiency in older subjects. | 高齢被験者における歩行の効率性を評価するための3軸加速度測定法 | Iwashita S | Med Sci Sports Exerc. | 2003 Oct;35(10):1766-72 |
Effects of estrogen on gender-related autonomic differences in humans. | ヒトにおける性関連自律神経差に関するエストロゲンの影響 | Liu CC | Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. | 2003 Nov; 285(5):H2188-93 |
Host and environmental determinants of heart rate and heart rate variability in four Europian populations. | 4つのヨーロッパ母集団における心拍の宿主及び環境決定因子と心拍変動 | Stolarz K | J Hypertens. | 2003 Mar; 21(3):525-35 |
Differential effects of propofol and sevoflurane on heart rate variability. | 心拍変動に関するプロポフォールとセボフルレンの異なる影響 | Kanaya N | Anesthesiology. | 2003 Jan;98(1):34-40 |
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (denepezil hydrochloride) reduces heart rate variability. | アセチルコリンエステラーゼ阻害薬(デネぺジル塩酸塩)は心拍変動を減らす | Masuda Y | J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. | 2003 Jan; 41 Suppl 1:S67-71 |
Chronic inhibition of endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity in nucleus tractus solitarii enhances baroreceptor reflex in conscious rats. | 意識のあるラットにおいて孤束核の内皮窒素酸化物シンターゼ活動の慢性抑制は反受容器反射を強化する | Waki H | J Physiol. | 2003 Jan 1;546(Pt 1):233-42 |
A measure of heart rate variability is sensitive to orthostatic challenge in women with chronic fatigue syndrome. | 慢性疲労症候群の女性において心拍変動の測定値は起立性検査に感度が高い | Yamamoto Y | Exp Biol Med(Maywood). | 2003 Feb; 228(2):167-74 |
Positional change in blood pressure and 8-year risk of hypertension: the CARDIA Study. | 血圧の位置変化と高血圧の8年リスク:CARDIA研究 | Thomas RJ | Mayo Clin Proc. | 2003 Aug;78(8):951-8 |
Time-series analysis of systolic blood pressure variation in thirty-three Uygur centenarians in China. | 中国の100歳以上の33人のウイグル人の最高血圧変動の時系列分析 | Kawamura H | Hypertens Res. | 2003 Aug;26(8):597-601 |
Is laparoscopic colorectal surgery less invasive than classical open surgery? Quantitation of physical activity using an accelerometer to assess postoperative convalescence. | 結腸直腸腹腔鏡手術は旧来のオープン手術よりも観血性が少ない?手術後の回復を評価するために加速度測定系を使用した身体活動の計量 | Inoue Y | Surg Endosc. | 2003 Aug;17(8):1269-73. Epub 2003 Jun 13 |
Effect of standing on short term heart rate variability across age. | 全年齢層の短期心拍変動における立位の影響 | Srinivasan K | Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. | 2002 Nov; 22(6):404-8 |
Correlates of the shift in heart rate variability with an active postural change in a healthy population sample: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study. | 健康な母体サンプルでの心拍変動のシフトと実際の姿勢変化の相関:Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities研究 | Carnethon MR | hypertens Res. | 2002 May; 143(5):808-13 |
Assessment of diabetic autonomic neuropathy using twenty-four-hour spectral analysis of heart rate variability: a comparison with the findings of the Ewing battery. | 心拍変動の24時間スペクトラル分析を用いた糖尿病性自律神経障害の評価 | Takase B | Jpn Heart J. | 2002 Mar;43(2):127-35 |
U-curve relationship between orthostatic blood pressure change and silent cerebrovascular disease in elderly hypertensives: orthostatic hypertension as a new cardiovascular risk factor. | 高齢王血圧患者での起立性血圧変化と沈黙脳血管疾患間のU曲線関係:新しい心血管リスクファクターとしての起立性高血圧 | Kario K | J Am Coll Cardiol. | 2002 Jul 3;40(1):133-41 |
Heart rate variability in congestive heart failure. | 鬱血心不全における心拍変動 | Tateishi O | Clin Exp Hypertens. | 2002 Jan-Feb;24(1-2):75-81 |
Cardiac interbeat interval increment for the identification of obstructive sleep apnea. | 閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸の識別のための心臓内拍感覚増加 | Roche F | Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. | 2002 Aug;25(8):1192-9 |
Alterations in autonomic nervous control of heart rate among tourists at 2700 and 3700 m above sea level. | 海抜2700から3700mでの旅行者における神格の自律神経コントロールでの変化 | Kanai M | Wilderness Environ Med. | 2001 Spring;12(1):8-12 |
Relationships of heart rate and heart rate variability with conventional and ambulatory blood pressure in the population. | 母集団における従来の及び外来の血圧と心拍及び心拍変動の関係 | Fagard RH | J Hypertens. | 2001 Mar;19(3):389-97 |
Effects of posture on cardiac autonomic nervous activity in patients with congestive heart failure. | 鬱血心不全患者における心自律神経活動に関する姿勢の影響 | Miyamoto S | J Am Coll Cardiol. | 2001 Jun 1; 37(7):1788-93 |
Regular overtime and cardiovascular functions. | 規則的な超過時間と心血管機能 | Park J | Ind Health. | 2001 Jul;39(3):244-9 |
Spontaneous baroreflex modulation of heart rate and heart rate variability during orthostatic stress in tetraplegics and health subjects. | 四肢麻痺及び健康な被験者における起立性ストレス中の心拍と心拍変動の自然発生圧反射変調 | Iellamo F | J Hypertens. | 2001 Dec; 19(12):2231-40 |
Autonomic insufficiency as a factor contributing to dialysis-induced hypotension. | 透析によって引き起こされる低血圧に寄与するファクターとしての自律神経不全 | Sato M | Nephrol Dial Transplant. | 2001 Aug;16(8):1657-62 |
A new apparatus for studying feeding and drinking in the mouse. | マウスに餌を与えたり飲ませたりする研究のための新しい装置 | Kurokawa M | Physiol Behav. | 2000 Jul 1-15;70(1-2):105-12 |
Effects of work stress on ambulatory blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rate variability. | 外来血圧、心拍及び心拍変動に関する職務ストレスの影響 | Vrijkotte TG | Hypertension. | 2000 Apr; 35(4):880-6 |
Heart-rate recovery immediately after exercise as a predictor of mortality. | 死亡の予測因子としての運動直後の心拍回復 | Cole CR | N Engl J Med. | 1999 Oct 28;341(18):1351- |
Reproducibility of abnormal heart rate variability indices: the case of hypertensive sleep apnoea syndrome. | 異常心拍変動指標の再現性:高血圧性睡眠時無呼吸症候群の症例 | Salo TM | Clin Physiol. | 1999 May; 19(3):258-68. |
Cardiovascular control and plasma catecholamines during rest and mental stress: effects of posture. | 休息時及びメンタルストレス中の心血管コントロールとプラズマカテコールアミン:姿勢の影響 | Tulen JH | Clin Sci (Lond). | 1999 Jun;96(6):567-76 |
Altered sympathetic and vagal modulations of the cardiovascular system in patients with pheochromocytoma: their relations to orthostatic hypotension. | 褐色細胞腫の患者における心血管システムの交換及び迷走神経の調節の変化:起立性低血圧とのそれらの関係 | Munakata M | Am J Hypertens. | 1999 Jun; 12(6):572-80 |
Alterations of autonomic nervous activity in recurrence of variant angina. | 変異アンギナの再発における自律神経活動の変化 | Takusagawa M | Heart. | 1999 Jul;82(1):75-81 |
Relationship between blood pressure and heart-rate variability during graded head-up tilt. | 段階的ヘッドアップチルト中の血圧と心拍変動間の関係 | Yokoi Y | Acta Physiol Scand. | 1999 Feb; 165(2):155-61 |
Effects of systemic hypoxia on R-R interval and blood pressure variabilities in conscious rats. | 意識のあるラットにおけるR‐Rインターバル及び血圧変動に関する全身性低酸素症の影響 | Murasato Y | Am J Physiol. | 1998 Sep;275(3 Pt 2):H797-804 |
Broadband spectral analysis of blood pressure and heart rate variability in very elderly subjects. | 超高齢被験者における血圧と心拍変動のブロードバン後スペクトラル分析 | Parati G | Hypertension. | 1997 Oct; 30(4):803-8 |
Instant power spectrum analysis of heart rate variability during orthostatic tilt using a time-/frequency-domain method. | 時間‐/周波数‐ドメイン法を用いた起立性チルト中の心拍変動の瞬時パワースペクトラム分析 | Jasson S | Circulation. | 1997 Nov 18; 96(10):3521-6 |
Short- and long-term reproducibility of heart rate variability in patients with long-standing type I diabetes mellitus. | 長時間立位であった1型糖尿病患者における心拍変動の短‐及び長期の再現性 | Burger AJ | Am J Cardiol. | 1997 Nov 1; 80(9):1198-202 |
New technique for time series analysis combining the maximum entropy method and non-linear least squares method: its value in heart rate variability analysis. | 最大エントロピー法と非線形最小二乗法を組み合わせた時系列分析の新しい治術:心拍変動解析でのその値 | Sawada Y | Med Biol Eng Comput. | 1997 Jul;35(4):318-22 |
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Delayed and diminished pressor response to muscle sympathetic nerve activity in the elderly. | 高齢者における筋肉交感神経活動への昇圧の遅れ及び消滅 | Sugiyama Y | J Appl Physiol (1985). | 1996 Mar;80(3):869-75 |
Heart rate variability. Standards of measurement, physiological interpretation, and clinical use. Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology. | 心拍変動。測定規格、生理学的解釈及び臨床使用。心臓病学のヨーロッパ学会及びペーシング及び電気生理学の北アメリカ学会の特別委員会 | No authors listed | Eur Heart J. | 1996 Mar;17(3):354-81 |
Power spectral analysis of spontaneous blood pressure and heart rate variability in elderly hypertensives. | 高齢高血圧患者における自然な血圧と心拍変動のパワースペクトラル分析 | Aono T | Hypertens Res. | 1996 Mar; 19(1):9-16 |
Heart rate variability: standards of measurement, physiological interpretation and clinical use. Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology. | 心拍変動:測定規格、生理学的解釈及び臨床使用。心臓病学のヨーロッパ学会及び北アメリカページング及び電気生理学学会の特別委員会 | Circulation. | 1996 Mar 1;93(5):1043-65 | |
Power spectral analysis of RR interval and blood pressure short-term variability at rest and during dynamic exercise: comparison between cyclists and controls. | 休息時及び動的運動中のRRインターバルと血圧短期変動のパワースペクトラル分析:サイクリストと統制群間の比較 | Macor F | Int J Sports Med. | 1996 Apr; 17(3):175-81 |
Power spectrum analysis of heart rate variability to assess the changes in sympathovagal balance during graded orthostatic tilt. | 段階的起立性チルト中の交換迷走バランスでの変化の評価のための心拍変動のパワースペクトラム分析 | Montano N | Circulation. | 1994 Oct;90(4):1826-31 |
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Autonomic dysfunction in vasovagal syncope occurs during head-up tilt test: results of heart rate variability analysis. | 血管迷走神経性失神での自律神経機能障害はヘッドアップチルトテスト中に起きる:心拍変動分析の結果 | Pruvot E | Am J Cardiol. | 1994 Jul 15;74(2):209 |
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